
  • Floor Damage Creates Financial Problems -  If you're a homeowner who has a wood floor in their home, I've got a story that you definitely need to read. It's about a family who didn't listen to my advice and ended up with one of the largest home repair bills that I ever seen. All of this could have been avoided but it wasn't.
  • Water Damage Emergency - What Do I Do Next? - I'm just going to guess at this number, but believe that more than 90% of everyone living in the United States doesn't know how to handle most water damage emergencies. I can't believe how many people I run into, that don't know how to shut off the main water supply to their home.
  • Winterizing Your Home Starts with Education - House Damage Prevention - I have written quite a few articles to educate homeowners about home repair costs, home maintenance and now I would like to talk to you about winterizing your home to prevent any possible home damage.
  • How to Prevent Additional Home Repair Damage in the Future - Whenever I am doing a home repair on someone's home, they rarely ask me how the damage actually happened or how to even prevent it from happening again in the future. I've always thought this was rather odd, but it seems like most homeowners accept the fact that home repairs will need to be done in the future and they will rarely even question it.
  • Do I Really Have To Fix My Water Leaks? - By the time you're done reading this article, you should have a pretty good idea and be able to answer this question on your own. There are thousands of homes all over the country today that have water leak problems and aren't doing anything about it.
  • Good Source for Tricks of the Trade Damage Repairs - One of the best sources for tricks of the trade home repairs that I have ever found, have been books on home repairs and remodeling. These books can often be a valuable source filled with amazing tips that can save you time and that ever so precious dollar or money.
  • House Damages from One Small Water Leak - It's hard to imagine, how much damage to one house, one small water leak can do. I'm the person they call, to fix this damage and I've seen plenty of homes, that have been severely damaged, simply because there was one very small water leak.
  • Fire Hydrant Home Water Damage - I was amazed to see what kind of damage a fire hydrant could do to a house, when broken. It was like spraying hundreds of garden hoses on the roof of a house and watching the water cascade off like a powerful waterfall. I was simply amazed and still can't believe the damage I witnessed as the fire hydrant covered the entire house with water.
  • Should You Enter a Home That Is Severely Damaged? - I'm going to save you a lot of trouble, and won't make you read any more of the article, if you don't want to. The answer to this question is, ” No.“ If the house is missing most of its siding, stucco or interior drywall, it doesn't have the structural strength, that it once had.
  • Simple Advice for Repairing Wood Damaged Structural Beams - Here's the best advice I can give anyone who is thinking about replacing a wood damaged structural beam that is holding up a large section of your home. Hire a professional contractor or get someone with the proper experience or you could find yourself, contacting your insurance company.