What Happens To My House After Flooding?

If you live in a home that recently suffered from some type of water damage and flooding, I would like to give you a few solutions to help you with your frustration. The good news is that the home emergency is over, the bad news is it's time to start making some repairs.

Depending upon how much flooding you actually have in your house and where the flooding was actually located, will have a lot to do with our home water damage solutions. If the flooding took place in the basement and it wasn't ever finished, we can simply pump the water out and make sure that the basement dries out as soon as possible. We can do this by pumping the water out and using fans to circulate moist air out of the home.

What if I lived in a single story house and the entire home was flooded at one time. This is going to be a tough one. You might not know the extent of the flood damage, until some time has passed. If your home starts to smell musty, there's a good chance that you have more damage and repairs to make.

The biggest problem would be a two-story house or larger. If your second story floor is flooding, there is a good chance that it won't be long until the water works its way down to the first floor and eventually to the basement, if you have a basement. This type of flooding should be taken care of as soon as possible, to prevent further damage to the rest of the house. In other words, it might be time to call a professional in for something like this.

Here's what happens to your house after flooding. Water gets underneath your carpet and flooring. If this water isn't removed soon enough, you're going to find yourself with mold and mildew problems. Some carpets and wood floors will need to be removed and replaced, in order to get rid of these horrible odors.

The lower areas of your interior walls will also be affected, depending upon how long the water actually sat on the floor. If the water was only on the floor for a few minutes, you're probably not going to have any problems with your interior walls. However, if the water sits for more than two hours, there is a good chance that the parts of the wall that you can see are wet.

Home emergency preparedness is going to be your key to surviving problems like these. You must have an emergency contractor list prepared before something like this actually happens. The last thing that you're going to want to do, while you're panicking is to start looking for some phone numbers.


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