10 Home Emergency Questions You Need To Know
One of the biggest problems with homeowners today is that
they're not prepared for household emergencies like, plumbing leaks,
electrical problems, kitchen fires, bathtubs and sinks overflowing, roof
leaks while it's raining and last but not least medical emergencies.
Let's see if you can answer a few questions that will help you prepare
yourself for home emergencies.
1. Do you have at least three licensed plumber's, electricians and home
repair professional phone numbers that are accessible, in case you have
a plumbing pipe break or other household emergency?
2. What do you do if one of your children or someone else in the house
breaks a window?
3. Who do you call, if you wake up in the middle of the night and your
carpeting is soaking wet, because a toilet is clogged and overflowing?
4. Do you know what to do, if it's raining and water is leaking from
your ceiling?
5. Who do you call, if you hear gunshots in your neighborhood?
6. What do you do if your house starts shaking violently and you realize
that you're in the middle of an earthquake?
7. Does everyone in your family know what to do, if one of the smoke
detectors goes off in your home? Make sure that everyone understands
exactly what the smoke alarm sounds like.
8. Is everyone in your family prepared, for any communication failures?
No access to the telephone, cell phone, radio or television.
9. Does everyone in your family know where the first aide kit is and how
to contact someone in case of an emergency? Your family members should
understand how to use the 911 services.
10. Everyone that knows how to drive a vehicle should know where the
local hospital and fire departments are. For those who don't know how to
drive a vehicle, make sure that there is a trusted neighbor they can
contact, in case there is an emergency.
Being prepared for an emergency is half the battle. There's nothing
worse than something happening to a loved one and no one in the house
knows how to handle the situation.