Seven Home Safety Tips - Home Accident Prevention
There are some accidents that seem like they can't be
avoided. There are some accidents that couldn't be prevented ever, but
what about the accidents that can be prevented? Here's a seven home
safety tips on how to help your family do the best that they can to, to
avoid any home accidents, that can be prevented.
1. Pick up any objects that are lying on the floor. It doesn't matter
what's lying on the floor, pick it up and put it on a table, but don't
leave it lying on the floor.
2. If someone spills any type of liquid onto the floor, make sure that
it's cleaned up as soon as possible. I don't know how many times I have
watched someone slip on a wet floor, simply because they couldn't see
the water.
3. Replace or repair any damaged electrical cords. Home accident
prevention starts with common sense. If you have any damaged electrical
outlets, switches, lights or electrical cords, make sure that they're
repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
4. Place all candles away from flammable objects like curtains,
Christmas trees and furniture. I would also suggest that you make sure
all lit candles are extinguished before you go to bed at night or leave
the home.
5. Place all poisonous liquids or materials out of the reach of small
children or uneducated adults. This isn't hard to do, but most people
fail to do it. If you have small children and you installed child safety
latches on your cabinets, think again. I'm only going to say this one
more time, don't store any poisonous items within reach of small
6. Make sure that you have a fence around any outdoor ponds, spas or
swimming pools. I had a swimming pool and I don't think I would have
been able to live with myself, if one of my children fell into it and
died. Remember, if you can avoid the accidents, you should do the best
that you can to prevent them.
7. Last but not least, take a look around your home to see if anything
needs to be repaired. If you have a broken electrical outlet that needs
to be repaired, but you don't have the money to fix it right now. You
could always block his area off with a large object.
The key to most home accident prevention is usually common sense. Most
people are familiar with safety tips like these, but it doesn't hurt to
remind anyone again. Reputation is usually the most common way of
learning anything.