Happy Holidays To Everyone - Seven Home Safety Tips
I don't get the chance very often to wish all of my
readers a good holiday cheer. Happy holidays to everyone who reads my
articles and actually get something useful out of them. I would like to
share some home safety advice with you and your family, so that you can
have a wonderful holiday season.
1. Don't let your kids play with matches or light candles during the
holidays. If you do, make sure that you monitor their activities and
that all candles have been extinguished before anyone leaves the house
or goes to sleep.
2. Make sure that you're only using approved lighting around your
Christmas tree in the exterior of your home. The last thing that you
want to do is have an electrical fire next to your extremely flammable
Christmas tree.
3. People tend to get excited and often find themselves hurrying around
during the holidays. Tried to avoid running and slow down if possible,
to avoid any accidents like slipping, tripping or falling. Always think
safety, no matter what you're doing.
4. If you live in areas where temperatures drop below freezing, make
sure that you inform your family to be careful walking on sidewalks,
driveways and other paths that might be covered in ice.
5. Avoid tracking water into your home. Water can make floors slippery
and slippery floors can cause accidents. Keep your floors clean and free
of moisture during the holidays.
6. If you have a fireplace, fuel-burning heaters or a Franklin stove, it
wouldn't be a bad idea to purchase a battery powered carbon monoxide
tester for your home. I was just reading something a little while ago
and it's sad that carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for more
deaths than any other type of poison. Most carbon monoxide tester's can
be purchased for less than $20.
7. Last but not least, if you do see Santa Claus while you're driving,
do not stick your head out the window and start yelling at him. Don't
stop your car in the middle of the road and whatever you do, don't tell
anyone else that you saw Santa Claus, otherwise you could end up in the
loony bin. Keep this one to yourself, trust me on this one.
Again, happy holidays to everyone and all of my faithful readers.