Big Problems Between Contractors And Procrastinators
If you're a building or remodeling contractor and you've
never had to deal with a procrastinator before, I suggest that you pay
attention to the information on this page. One of the biggest mistakes
that I made was working with a procrastinator that couldn't make up his
mind and it cost me a fortune.
Here's what happened. I designed a room addition that was going to be
built on the back of this man's house. While I was designing the room
addition for him, he couldn't make up his mind, for the exact size of
anything, windows, doors and bathroom fixtures. I didn't need all of
this information, to simply design the room addition and told him that
it would be okay and he could give me the information later on.
I didn't want to slow the job down, because he was in a hurry to move
one of his family members into the new master bedroom. I got the plans
through the city building department and started construction.
It was now time for him to select the rest of the building materials
that would be required for his new master bedroom. I explained to him
that it was a priority to select the windows first. I told him that we
needed to order the windows, because sometimes there is a two to four
week waiting period.
This was just the windows I'm talking about. I framed to the room
addition and made the rough window openings a little larger than I
thought I needed, because he still hadn't even ordered the windows yet.
I had never dealt with a person like this and really wasn't prepared
psychologically for what was about to happen.
This guy couldn't make his mind up, about anything. The room addition
sat for an additional six weeks, before I finally got the windows. I
couldn't tell you how frustrated I was and threatened to quit. He said
that it wouldn't happen again and he would get me all of the information
for the rest of the building materials that we needed to order.
The rest of the job seemed to go a little bit smoother, but the lesson
that I had learned, I would never forget. It's never a good idea to work
for anyone who can't make their mind up, but if you are going to work
for someone like this, make sure that they have everything picked out
that they're going to use, before you start building.