Benefits Of Correctly Marking Electrical Breakers
As a remodeling contractor and homeowner, I can't tell
you how frustrated it often is to open up an electrical main panel box,
only to find out that most of the breakers, don't shut off the
electricity to the areas that they are marked next to on the electrical
Here's my biggest complaint with poorly marked electrical panels. Nobody
ever seems to correct the mistakes. I myself have been found guilty of
this practice and it continues to create problems, even at my own house.
So here's something to think about. How much time do you think it would
actually take for you to individually shut off every single breaker on
your electrical panel and find out which outlets they actually turn off
and then correct the problem? A couple of hours maybe, a half hour, even
if it took you four hours, think about the frustration and headaches
that it will save you in the future.
Plus it will familiarize you with the electrical panel. You will now
know or have a pretty good idea of which breakers go to which outlets,
if you ever need to fix or repair anything in your home.
Another problem with poorly marked electrical panels, is that I have
actually seen people turn off the electrical breakers, and is so that
the electricity was turned off in those areas, only to get shocked or
electrocuted as they were working on the electrical fixtures.
Don't assume anything, when it comes to electricity, especially when it
comes to a poorly marked electrical panel box.