Always Looking For Good Clients - Construction Business

Every contractor that I've ever met is always looking for good clients. If you're one of these contractors, and I'm sure that you are, read this article carefully. You've got to be able to understand the difference between a good client and a bad one, for starters.

Let's start with the good clients. These are clients who know what they want done to their home, have reasonable expectations and pay on time. These people also referrer your construction company more business, by providing your company with more people like themselves. This is what I would consider a good client in the construction business.

Now what about a bad client, these are people who can't make up their mind, don't really know what they want, they're never going to be satisfied and rarely pay you on time. I've had some bad clients in the past, suggest that I've just ripped them off, they don't have enough money to pay me and can't envision what the product is going to look like, after it's completed.

If you're in the construction business, I would like to suggest something here that's very important. You don't need to work for every one who calls you and you should be a little more selective about who you work for. In other words, get rid of the bad clients and start focusing on the good ones.

If you're having a problem with one of your clients and then a few years go by and they recommend you to someone else, you could be duplicating more bad clients. Make sure that you interview these types of referrals or prescreen them over the phone, to make sure that you're not going to have similar problems with them, if you get the contract.

It doesn't get any simpler than this, get rid of the losers and keep the winners.


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